
Monday, 28 January 2013

Daughter freaks out over school nudity

Is naturism safe for children and kids?

It is clear that being dressed has not kept children safe. The best thing we can do is teach our children the confidence to speak up when people do things which make them uncomfortable. If they are not ashamed of their bodies, they are much more likely to tell their parents when someone does things to them that they don't like. Whether nude or clothed, children should know that being touched in certain ways is wrong. Although good parenting is by far the most important factor in raising children, naturism helps to promote their confidence and understanding about their bodies.

Don't children get confused as to when and where they can be nude?

Everyone has to teach children when and where it is acceptable to be nude. Naturists simply have more places where it is acceptable. Unlike non-naturists, we don't teach our children that nudity is wrong. We teach them that some people aren't comfortable with nudity and that sometimes we need to dress for practical reasons (e.g. weather).

The Nudist Lifestyle Fosters Friendship, Family, Body Acceptance & Unencumbered Relaxation.

My 12-year old daughter came home from school the other today and was clearly upset. She couldn't wait to talk to me about something. Sensing her anxiety, I casually asked, "What's up?"

She said, "Somebody at school today said that when I go to Junior High next year, I'll have to change my clothes, shower, and be naked in front of my friends. Is that true?"

I raised at least one eyebrow and said, "I don't know. It used to be true," in a slightly disappointed tone of voice.

My daughter continued, "Well, I won't do it!"

"Why not?" I calmly asked.

"Because, unlike you, I don't like people seeing me naked!"

I thought to myself, Hmmm, she's noticed. I replied simply, "Why not?"

She said, "Because they'll make fun of me!"

"Why would they make fun of you and why would it matter if they did?" I asked.

"I don't like being made fun of. And I don't like to be seen naked," she said.

"Why is that?" I calmly asked again.

"Because I don't look like a supermodel!" she replied with animated hand gestures and with seeming frustration with my apparent lack of ability to be able to understand the point she was trying to get at.

"Well, none of us really do," I replied. At this point it was time to eat dinner, and the conversation ended, at least for the time being.

It's very sad to me that, despite whatever efforts I have tried to make, my daughter obviously feels some shame, or lack of measuring up to what she thinks would be other's expectations of her, associated with her own body. I did try very hard not to teach that. To this very day, she has yet to close a bathroom door while showering or taking a bath. And regardless of who in the family happens to walk into the bathroom, it seems to go largely ignored. Most of the time she doesn't even change clothes for her showers/baths in the bathroom, causing her to take the hallway trip in at most a towel. Not that many years ago, her mother was alarmed because she tended to roam the whole house nude around shower time, even when friends were visiting. How times change, and how quickly.

Where does this "teaching" come from? It surely is difficult to avoid. She is clearly aware that I don't hide from her, and probably assumes (correctly) I'm not bothered in a locker room, which she knows I visit daily. In fact, we've talked about that quite directly before, when I've taken her swimming at the same place. Too bad that unless I miss my guess, there will be an expectation of no nudity when she does get to Junior High, thus reinforcing the developing attitude. No doubt the unenlightened concept of absolute "modesty in dress" will follow.

I'm left to conclude that my own very intentional example of common nudity around the house is insufficient to prevent my children from acquiring society's commonplace "body shame." I have been nude often in my own home, so much so that the other morning, as I was getting ready to leave for work, not having dressed yet, I was nude and my daughter seemed to not even notice. At least around bathtime and such, my children are also openly nude around the house. Yet the body shame has developed to a clearly unhealthy degree in my daughter, despite my efforts. The messages of the world have overwhelmed the message I have tried to teach by example.

Those parents who think they are doing their children sufficient good by restricting the nudity their children experience to their home are deluding themselves. No matter how attractive the safety and security of this limitation may seem, we are not making sufficient progress at inoculating our children against body shame. The messages from other sources are simply too powerful and too overwhelming. All one has to do is visit a public locker room these days and see if you can find anybody at all under the age of 40 who is simply and comfortably showering nude and changing their clothes. We have sold our hearts, minds, and souls to those who would pervert and make shameful the most incredible wonder and beauty found in every single human body ever created. 

Is naturism safe for children and kids?

It is clear that being dressed has not kept children safe. The best thing we can do is teach our children the confidence to speak up when people do things which make them uncomfortable. If they are not ashamed of their bodies, they are much more likely to tell their parents when someone does things to them that they don't like. Whether nude or clothed, children should know that being touched in certain ways is wrong. Although good parenting is by far the most important factor in raising children, naturism helps to promote their confidence and understanding about their bodies.

Don't children get confused as to when and where they can be nude?

Everyone has to teach children when and where it is acceptable to be nude. Naturists simply have more places where it is acceptable. Unlike non-naturists, we don't teach our children that nudity is wrong. We teach them that some people aren't comfortable with nudity and that sometimes we need to dress for practical reasons (e.g. weather).

The Nudist Lifestyle Fosters Friendship, Family, Body Acceptance & Unencumbered Relaxation


  1. Zdecydowanie zgadzam się,że to RODZICE powinni rozmawiać o Naturyzmie,nie powinno być skrępowania za pewnymi wyjątkami w domu.Jestem zdecydowanie pewien,że bycie nago przynosi więcej korzyści dla zdrowia aniżeli w ubraniach.Tyle,że nie tylko dzieci powinny wiedzieć w jakich miejscach---po za domem---można być nago.

  2. South America, Peru, greetings. The work of promoting nudity as a natural form of human life is titanic. Many pression of social power groups. Stoa groups manipulate mints diundir generations of humans to fear. Nudist Our work is long but I hope confelicidad light at the end of the tunnel.

  3. I've grown up in a nudist family with 3 younger brothers. It has been a wonderful experience and my Mom feels that it has actually made the boys closer, less fighting than textile families. The nudist lifestyle for kids is so healthy and fun.

  4. moet je haar houding zien. je kan heerlijk van achteren aan haar kut en anus voelen en ze kan fijn plassen en poepen
